
Showing posts from November, 2006

Opium Starts with an Ooooooh!

I had a perfectly legit reason as to why I took that dose. It wasn't like the first time. The first time, the goop was spread on the inner-lining of a cigarette, looking innocent as could be. It made me groggy, and my vision turned into a foggy haze. I didn't like it, and soon succumbed to sleep so as not to feel its affects while awake. I hadn't touched it since... well, technically, hadn't used it since. I'd handled it plenty lifting it out of the warehouse when he wasn't looking. Last night, I was denied a bedtime story, which in turn upset me. Ok, not really upset, but I was disappointed. I wanted to hear the further adventures of flamethrower-ninja-pirate-gypsy-girl and her sidekick, spikey-haired eyeliner boy. So I took the vial that I had found laying around carelessly in the warehouse. He smiled then, but immediately coaxed me into going back to the Rhyme. Apparently I wasn't allowed to have my fun in public! I remember fighting off his...

And then there was two

The most unexpected person from my past has re-introduced herself to my life. My big sister, Kizzie. She didn't appear for a social call, either, and I find myself entrapped in a situation that there's no escape from until it is finished. My caravan is in danger. And it also appears that Kizzie and I are the only ones that can save it. I miss my family, and I like the distance because I like the freedom, but I still love them and want them to be well. Maybe I shouldn't have left... If I hadn't left when I did, perhaps I could have saved them; but then again, I could be vacant-eyed and lifeless like them as well. *sigh* So, big sister and I are on a big mission, searching for big things, to eliminate this big curse. Magic can't save us now.... And if another vampire or witch-wannabe interferes with me or my zipperpants man, I'm perfectly able and willing to pull out my book of curses. Enough is enough.

Lukewarm Fantasies

No one has ever said I was nice before, but lately, I think I've fit the bill. I've recently met two newguys, Peilen and Genko. Peilen is a very straight-and-narrow type of guy, and always wants to jump into the action. Genko is... well, spacey. Maybe he's had too many magic mushrooms, but that's ok, he still hasn't lost his sense of smell yet. So, I've dragged them around, showing them all the hotspots, introducing them to the locals, and ( my favorite part ) showing them where to take baths. They were both so grimey! They despararetely needed some washing, and I wasn't afraid to tell them so. So showing them around is my good deed ( for the year ) and no one else should expect anything else, ok? Ok. And speaking of baths, that's where I've spent most of my time. It's just easier to ignore the Hell being raised all around us when you're locked up in the Rhyme in a hot steamy bath. Sure, those blood-thirsty nocturnals cat-call at me f...


He made me wash my skin til it was red, and my face stung with extra sensitivity. He lifted my chin, poised himself, then swiftly pierced the needle in my face. I believe I saw him shiver with pleasure as he was doing this, but I'm not quite sure, since I was crossing my eyes trying to see what he was doing to my nose. The pain was brief, not really pain at all, but a slight .... tearing. I could hear it in my inner ear as the needle penetrated the skin of my nose. I tried not to touch it. I really did. But it bled, and I instinctively rubbed it. Then he walked me around town with the freshly smeared blood on my face, and an amber-beaded nosering in place. I think he drew satisfaction from that. What next to stab?