Opium Starts with an Ooooooh!
I had a perfectly legit reason as to why I took that dose. It wasn't like the first time. The first time, the goop was spread on the inner-lining of a cigarette, looking innocent as could be. It made me groggy, and my vision turned into a foggy haze. I didn't like it, and soon succumbed to sleep so as not to feel its affects while awake. I hadn't touched it since... well, technically, hadn't used it since. I'd handled it plenty lifting it out of the warehouse when he wasn't looking. Last night, I was denied a bedtime story, which in turn upset me. Ok, not really upset, but I was disappointed. I wanted to hear the further adventures of flamethrower-ninja-pirate-gypsy-girl and her sidekick, spikey-haired eyeliner boy. So I took the vial that I had found laying around carelessly in the warehouse. He smiled then, but immediately coaxed me into going back to the Rhyme. Apparently I wasn't allowed to have my fun in public! I remember fighting off his...