Japanesey if you Pleasey
"This bread is yucky," I griped about the Salutation Inn's food. It's always so stale there, as if the Innkeeper really doesn't care about his foodstuffs. Zillahface look
ed over at me and replied coyly, "Want some miso?" I gladly hopped on his back, in my usual piggy back fashion, and he brought me through a zillion oceans it seemed like until we finally found some bushis.
I didn't know what to make of them, because well, they glared at us. I mean, I know we're cute and all, but they didn't have to look at us like that. Then when we tried to seek passage into their realm, they forbade us. Forbade us!! We're good paying tourists! So I put them to sleep with my magickstuffs, blew them a kiss, and we walked up the path. Zillahface took us directly to the local inn, since the locals were busy doing hard labor and we didn't want to be dragged into doing that. The innkeeper was a funny looking man who insisted we call him the prince or something silly like that. Zillahface called him a pansy, but he sold some delicious miso soup and sashimi. I've never had it before! Tastytasty!
So after having some miso, we tentatively walked around town, some people murmuring behind our backs names I couldn't understand. When I'd look back to give my evilglare, they'd look down at the ground and pretend they didn't say anything. If you're going to call someone names, at least say it to their face! We looked at some properties there, and there's some beautiful places with ginormous mountainviews, but apparently you can't be "gaijin" or whatever that means. It would be nice to have a home with a view of mountains and cherry blossom trees! I even found a gorgeous silk kimono embroidered with orchard trees, and plan to wear that the next time me and Zillahface are feeling frisky. (winkwink)
We were admiring the view of the valley and mountainside, while I was piggybacked on Zillahface's back, when a giant kitty attacked us. We nearly bled to death, but we escaped, and I think I'll remember not to take that path again. We didn't stay long, and I didn't get to see as much as I would have liked to... but it won't be long before I visit again and show those Japanesies what I'm all about.

I didn't know what to make of them, because well, they glared at us. I mean, I know we're cute and all, but they didn't have to look at us like that. Then when we tried to seek passage into their realm, they forbade us. Forbade us!! We're good paying tourists! So I put them to sleep with my magickstuffs, blew them a kiss, and we walked up the path. Zillahface took us directly to the local inn, since the locals were busy doing hard labor and we didn't want to be dragged into doing that. The innkeeper was a funny looking man who insisted we call him the prince or something silly like that. Zillahface called him a pansy, but he sold some delicious miso soup and sashimi. I've never had it before! Tastytasty!
So after having some miso, we tentatively walked around town, some people murmuring behind our backs names I couldn't understand. When I'd look back to give my evilglare, they'd look down at the ground and pretend they didn't say anything. If you're going to call someone names, at least say it to their face! We looked at some properties there, and there's some beautiful places with ginormous mountainviews, but apparently you can't be "gaijin" or whatever that means. It would be nice to have a home with a view of mountains and cherry blossom trees! I even found a gorgeous silk kimono embroidered with orchard trees, and plan to wear that the next time me and Zillahface are feeling frisky. (winkwink)
We were admiring the view of the valley and mountainside, while I was piggybacked on Zillahface's back, when a giant kitty attacked us. We nearly bled to death, but we escaped, and I think I'll remember not to take that path again. We didn't stay long, and I didn't get to see as much as I would have liked to... but it won't be long before I visit again and show those Japanesies what I'm all about.