
So I thought long and hard on ideas how to keep my lover in my arms and not in Death's arms. After seeing his pitiful face several days ago when he begged me to stay with him til the end, I've been determined not to let him go. He seemed Hellbent that his death was inevitable, and I didn't realize how difficult it would be to convince him to continue trying, to find a way to live. But I did, I layed out surefire ways to help eliminate the demon possessing his body and he finally acquiesced to try. It was my mistake that I started with what I call 'small fries.' I burned some sage around the Townhouse and layed a line of salt around the perimeter of all the rooms. I knew this wouldn't do much, if anything at all, but at this point, I was willing to try anything. He grimaced at me, thinking my idea ridiculous. Of course it was ridiculous, salt isn't going to expel a demon in the body, but it will feign off more danger. It seemed like he really delayed o...