Here nor There
So I've been avoiding the new townhome in London. Actually, I've been avoiding London all together. I'm not sure, but my fight of flight reflex has kicked in, and I'm doing everything I can to suppress it. Every moment in his company I have to choose my words for fear of the smallest thing setting him off. Last time I was in the new place, we were getting into the business of snogging and he started an argument. I just want kisses and caresses, not goosebumps and adrenaline rushes. So I leave, telling him that when he's ready to get back to our lovemaking, he can find me. But what does he do? He stalks me, finds me, then continues his weak arguments. I truly don't understand why he doesn't understand. He's always got this look of hope on his face when he asks me if the Professor is around, but then turns when I tell him I haven't seen him. Why is he relying on that faker who has only hurt us more in the long run? Not only has this "Professor" given my Zillah false promises, but he hides out, just letting the demon consume Zillah even further. Who has to deal with this rollercoaster ride? Not the Professor... what does he care? From what I gather, he's put all this hope into X removing this demon's grip, but then tells me he wants to adapt and become 'godlike' by keeping it. He can't control it, and I'm seeing that first-hand.
Godlike pushes me away.
So do wild moodswings.
Everything is so contratictory, and has been since I've returned from Sea-at-tel. Old man Rowane never returned my plea for help... I'm sure he's still upset that I never went through with his delicately planned Ward to send me back to Sea-at-tel. It's understandable, I'd be mad, too, if my efforts were dismissed like that. I screw everything up...
Godlike pushes me away.
So do wild moodswings.
Everything is so contratictory, and has been since I've returned from Sea-at-tel. Old man Rowane never returned my plea for help... I'm sure he's still upset that I never went through with his delicately planned Ward to send me back to Sea-at-tel. It's understandable, I'd be mad, too, if my efforts were dismissed like that. I screw everything up...
