Free Stuff!

News as of late:
The gypsy woman I had trapped in my home disappeared. I think she escaped. Ah well, I guess I'll find a replacement friend.
Miss Nadia was really drunk the other day. It was kind of funny. I wonder if I acted like that when I was that drunk? But she deserved to get sloshed, because she finally had her baby!! And I got to meet the baby!! Babybaby! She's so precious. I can't wait for her to grow up big so we can cause some trouble together.
Zillah got me a present! Can you imagine? He's becoming a softie but he still refuses it with his stoney face. I tell him I'm not falling for the stoneyface act, but he doesn't believe me. Ah well. One of these days he'll admit he's my friend. I'm still mad at him for giving his blood away. Of all people, I figured he would know better! But he's got this crazy plan to become stronger blah blah blah. Does he really need that? I suppose he is going for the challenge, but I could send him to the Garden in Agrabah and give him a challenge. Anyways, back to my present!! He got me these amazing colorful scarves! They are a great replacement for my old ones, which got pretty dingy and holey. They flow so well in the air, especially when I'm spinning. =D
The firedancing is going a litte better. I singed only a little bit of my arm hair, but it'll grow back, I'm sure. Good thing it rains alot in Romania, to fill up my well, so I can douse the fires. I'm not sure if I'm ready to perform in front of others; I do need a deal of training and practice. I need to go shopping for a new set of fire poi. Maybe I'll even make them!
Right, I'm rambling and not making much sense.
Hurry up with the firedancing already. *leers*