Absense Doesn't Make the Heart Grow Fonder

Spraypaints can only hold one over for so long. Before I knew it, I had splashes of paint all over my clothes, my face, and on the tips of my fingers. Yusuf charged me double to scrub it all off, and I'm sure he missed some spots, but I don't really care. It was a mild distraction while...
The weekend came and went. I waited around, rebraided my hair over and over, paced around the usual spots I go to. Before I knew it, I'd had an incalculable amount of coffee to keep me awake and alert. I was ready for Sea-at-tel! But the coffee wasn't making me feel like myself. I had the jitters pretty bad, messed up my hair quite a bit without realizing, and I passed out at some Inn I forgot the name of already. I haven't been home til this morning.. and it was over-run with dogs and gypsies going through my things. I don't really care though, they can have it.
He wasn't even excited to see me. It had been days! and he comes back, chats away with his friends, and expects me to come running to him. And I do, I go hide out close to where he is and wait til he's ready to see me. I'm so dumb! No, "Hello Lime, I've missed you so much! Oh, Lime take my hugs!" He couldn't even explain himself to me, not even a mention of our non-existant trip to Sea-at-tel. Rather, let me rephrase that, he wouldn't explain a peep to me. I'm supposed to just sit here and take this?? And apparently during his abscence, he discovered what he needs to do to make himself better. I've learned that people are going to do what they're going to do; You can't change anyone, but you can influence them. He's is completely incapable of being influenced. So he's going to do what he's going to do, and I'll sit there on the back burner taking the crap. I don't want to take the crap. No, I don't mind the killing. We all have perfectly logical reasons for doing what we do, I'm sure, so that doesn't bother me. I just don't like being treated like my words mean nothing when I express myself. When I express myself, people are supposed to notice, they're supposed to SEE, I'm a friggin' gypsy dammit. That's how it works.
So maybe the bright purpley twinkle lights will go off in his head and he'll recognize what he's doing...
Haha. Right.
And I'm going to just sit here and take it, like I always do.
You enjoy it.
For some reason I keep reading this entries title as Absinth instead of Absense. Just thought I'd share. :)
... mmm... absinthe...