Q & A with Lime

Here's a few answers to questions that everyone is just dying to know!
Q: Why is your name Lime?
A: Gypsies are given two names when they are born. Lime is the only one I can tell you. My mother says she named me Lime for two reasons. One, because she craved the fruit while pregnant with me, and two, that I came out of the womb with the sourest expression on my face.
Q: How many siblings do you have?
A: Believe it or not, I have twelve! Seven brothers, Guaril, Marko, Nicolae, Stefan, Luca, Andrzej, and Yoska. Five sisters, Kizzy, Jael, Mirela, Tsura, and Lyubitshka. I'm the sixth born from my mother.
Q: How long did you live with gypsies?
A: I was born and raised a gypsy and left the caravan when I was twelve.
Q: What's your favorite color?
A: It's not green! I like shades of blue. And orange. And purple. And red. Mix 'em all together, I like them all!
Q: So do you really know gypsy magic?
A: Some! I carry only a little of the Sight with me. I've never been blessed with great intuition, but when something concerns my well-being or of those I love, I catch it pretty quickly. As far as those stereotypical gypsy curses go, I give a really mean evil-eye when I mean it!
Q: What is your favorite gypsy activity?
A: Well, it used to be spinning in circles... over and over... but the world became such a blur so I gave that up. Now I have a passion for spraypaints. No wall shall go untainted! I also enjoy hiding in dark places and snooping on people, playing with my fire poi and attempting not to burn myself to a crisp, taking baths, and making up over fights with Zillahface.
Q: What's with this fire poi thing anyways?
A: Fire poi are amazing entertainment mechanisms! You have two chains, and at the end of these chains are wicking material. You set the material on fire, and fling the chains around in circles and loops around your body to make swooshing fire designs in the air. I've been practicing my techniques for months and months, and someday I'll show off my skill. Lately, I've just been burning down my garden and sizzling off my hair.
Q: What are you looking forward to the most?
A: Going to Sea-at-tel! It's a place I've never been, and I'm going there with my favorite person.
Q: What is one significant change that has occured to you over the past year?
A: I've learned when it's ok to be a child, and when it's ok to be an adult. There's a time and place for everything, and you have to coordinate them correctly, or you're going to be up shit's creek. (oops, did I say that?) It's ok to see things through the eyes of a child, it keeps you young forever. But it's fun doing adult things, too. Like kissing.
Q: Your current addictions?
A: Cafe au laits, cigarettes, and Zillahface.
Q: Where were you on the evening of November 5th, 1871 between the hours of 9:30pm and 11pm?
A: I was sleeping, honest! I wasn't meeee!
This concludes our Q&A with Lime! Any more questions? Please add them here!