Madame Zeena is a Big Fat Liar.
It's no fun causing trouble by yourself. So to alieve some time and sanity, I find myself wandering places we used to go.
Today I found myself in London. It felt good to spraypaint his walls. I wonder if he'll ever see it? I consider my work a true masterpiece.
The carnival called out to me. I could smell the lemonade for some odd reason. Stepping onto the grounds, I felt a sudden uncomfortableness. I've never liked the carnival. It makes me feel antsy, as if everyone there is trying too hard. Forced smiles upon cracked faces. So I wandered, avoided the lionesses, because they looked hungry, watched some boxing match, pointed and laughed at a guy pretending to be a mime. Man, those guys are dumb. If Zillahface were here, he'd point and laugh with me. Then I found myself at a dead-end with this Madame Zeena character. She was older, with pretty eyes and long hair down to her waist. Just cause you've got long hair doesn't make your a decent fortune-teller, though. So peering around to make sure no one was around, I handed her a hundred coins to read my fortune. She deftly pulled out her crystal ball, which isn't nearly as nice as mine, but I didn't mention anything to make her jealous. You won't believe the spiel she gave me! Apparently I follow neither light nor darkness, but my indifference to the two is a sign of contempt. Maybe I despise both? Maybe I like to stay in the middle ground? Hell if I know. Then she fed me this crap about my life being coloured with many choices and adventures. Of couse, dumblady, I live out in the wild. But I gave her the benefit of the doubt. So I tested her palmreading after I gave her another handful of coins. She took my hand, and instantly I felt repulsion. I really didn't like this lady. I tried pulling my hand back, but she ranted on as if she wasn't even paying attention to me. She had the audacity to say I have thick skin, and that I suffer contradiction well. I'm a gemini, anyone can see that's obvious! I resisted the urge to backhand her with my free hand, until she said some lie about my ancestors coming from an ancient line of druids. What a load. So I immolated her to death. It brought a sincere smile to my face to eliminate her lies from this world. If you're going to be a fortune teller, don't be like Madame Zeena.
I found some beautiful caravans on the carnival property though. Too bad I feel disgusted everytime I'm there. Maybe I can purchase one and move it to Romania. Maybe I can bring it to Sea-at-tel and camp out there til Zillahface returns.
Maybe I need to get more spraypaints to release some of this stress!
Today I found myself in London. It felt good to spraypaint his walls. I wonder if he'll ever see it? I consider my work a true masterpiece.
The carnival called out to me. I could smell the lemonade for some odd reason. Stepping onto the grounds, I felt a sudden uncomfortableness. I've never liked the carnival. It makes me feel antsy, as if everyone there is trying too hard. Forced smiles upon cracked faces. So I wandered, avoided the lionesses, because they looked hungry, watched some boxing match, pointed and laughed at a guy pretending to be a mime. Man, those guys are dumb. If Zillahface were here, he'd point and laugh with me. Then I found myself at a dead-end with this Madame Zeena character. She was older, with pretty eyes and long hair down to her waist. Just cause you've got long hair doesn't make your a decent fortune-teller, though. So peering around to make sure no one was around, I handed her a hundred coins to read my fortune. She deftly pulled out her crystal ball, which isn't nearly as nice as mine, but I didn't mention anything to make her jealous. You won't believe the spiel she gave me! Apparently I follow neither light nor darkness, but my indifference to the two is a sign of contempt. Maybe I despise both? Maybe I like to stay in the middle ground? Hell if I know. Then she fed me this crap about my life being coloured with many choices and adventures. Of couse, dumblady, I live out in the wild. But I gave her the benefit of the doubt. So I tested her palmreading after I gave her another handful of coins. She took my hand, and instantly I felt repulsion. I really didn't like this lady. I tried pulling my hand back, but she ranted on as if she wasn't even paying attention to me. She had the audacity to say I have thick skin, and that I suffer contradiction well. I'm a gemini, anyone can see that's obvious! I resisted the urge to backhand her with my free hand, until she said some lie about my ancestors coming from an ancient line of druids. What a load. So I immolated her to death. It brought a sincere smile to my face to eliminate her lies from this world. If you're going to be a fortune teller, don't be like Madame Zeena.
I found some beautiful caravans on the carnival property though. Too bad I feel disgusted everytime I'm there. Maybe I can purchase one and move it to Romania. Maybe I can bring it to Sea-at-tel and camp out there til Zillahface returns.
Maybe I need to get more spraypaints to release some of this stress!

Thanks lots for the spraypainted walls. Note sarcasm. Yes, I'm out of town a lot right now, but did you think you were going to get away with it, really? Enclosed is some money for a sponge and some soap. Happy scrubbing.
Eternally yours,
-- Z. Grey