Kizzie Smizzie

My damned sister thinks she knows everything. Blahblahblahorbthisorbthat I know about the stinking orbs! I may not be as adamant about searching for them, but that doesn't mean I'm not looking. Maybe I'm not as vocal about searching for them. And no I'm not making up excuses.
She had the audacity to be alone in the Warehouse with Samael last night. I love you, Samael, but nonononono. Not my sister. And they both gave me the line, "Oh! We're standing eight feet apart!" That's the same thing that Zillah and Mistress Nadia said when I caught them all dishevelled in the warehouse earlier that eve. When I went to pull Kizzie and Samael apart, Kizzie used my trick... the Recall Magick trick to poof me out of the warehouse. Twice! That frustrated me to no end, so I poofed her out quicker than a swatfly on a Kleinster's exposed eyeball. Just because she's older than me doesn't mean that she can do these things. She knows how I feel if she were to use her magicks on the Grey family. Yes, big sister, I understand that we have to find these shards, orbs, whatever they are, to remove that dumb curse from the caravan. I love them, too, you know. We'll get it done, but not if we have to make enemies of each other.
I promised you I wouldn't touch him. I won't. Ever.