
I've come to realize that I've been used. You doesn't really care for me as you claim. Hell, you never claimed. You only griped and complained about my actions. So goodbye, Zillahface. Relationships are not important to you, and you aren't afraid to express that. That's ok... for you. That's not ok for me. You've disappeared for long periods of time, only to be condescending and threatening to me when you come back. I'm not an expert at relationships, but my ideal man would miss me, and show it. I've been nothing but accepting to your ways, and might I add they are not the norm. You said I'd be back. No, you'll be back.



Nice boots!
and *comf*
Zillah said…
Yeah, they always look their best when they tell you to go to hell.
Le sigh.
Malia said…
Zillah needs some high boots, coz he's in deep shit.
Zillah said…
I already have high boots. And there's only so much shit that one little gypsy girl could give me.

.... right?
Malia said…
You're in so much trouble. I almost feel bad for you.

kairi said…
I'm with Row. Smashing boots.

*nod Malia* Almost.
Zillah said…
What little sympathy you have for your loyal servant, your utterly devoted Hound. Shame on you, Mistress.
Malia said…

Somebody get me a ladder so I can get away from the deep pile of bullshit that keeps rising.
Zillah said…
I said devoted; I never said to whom.
Lime said…
Zillah said…
Obviously devoted to himself.

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