Knights in Over-Exaggerated Armor
I can see now that I've changed. I was so naive to think that any "knight in shining armor" would look at me and find me to be pleasurable company. Who was I kidding?? I mean, c'mon, I'm a wandering nomad, someone without a definite home, someone who relies on her instincts and her talents just to survive. I think all the stories that my uncle told me made me embellish my opinion of them. It was easy to mold them into my ideal. But what is an ideal anyways? They can change, I know that now. Any attempt I've made to get to know any kind of "hero/knight" (ones in clans and ones not in clans) has been a joke. None take me seriously, and most are more concerned with those that are on the same level on the heirarchy chart. Just because I hate wearing shoes and I wiggle around alot doesn't mean I'm not the same as anyone else. -=sigh=-
On a lighter note, I'm considering learning how to fire dance... we'll see if I don't burn myself to a crisp first.
-=Sizzle Sizzle=-

-=Sizzle Sizzle=-
...I'll bring a bucket of water, in case.
"I'm a wandering nomad, someone without a definite home"
So I suppose you would call yourself an exile?
And no, Anatu, I can have a home anywhere. I've never been pushed away by any group of people.