Llama Rhymes with Drama

So there's all this stuff happening, bad vibes, people getting angry, throwing stuff around, blah blah blah. And you know what? I'm not involved! It wasn't me! And I'm staying out of it! I can barely handle myself, let alone other people's issues. I like the people that are involved in the drama, I just can't let myself step into it. So I wish them well. Yes, you know who I'm talking about!
And there was no one around today to play with me. I guess they were all distracted. So I kicked a few people I thought deserved it, pocketed their money, and ran off to sit in the Falcon Inn.
I hope Zillah doesn't get mad about the pamphlets I left in his office.... I thought them kind of funny and the kind of sarcastic humor he would get.
Some of my friends haven't shown up in awhile. I wonder where they've gone to? And I need some opinions on the houses I've narrowed my choices down to! It's just so horrid sleeping in a different bed every night, smelling the stink of other people's breath on my pillow, of unkept bathrooms, and no warm face to wake up next to. But it'll come in due time. Maybe I should grow up first.
I already told you that you could stay there, of course. I never do. It's clean, but you certainly won't be waking up to any warm faces, so don't get any ideas. *smirk*
I just thought I'd make it clear that it was an offer for tax purposes, not that I wanted to make a nice gesture or anything.
Just to clarify.