Double the Pleasure, Double the Mooshy
So after joining the Party, I never lack of social interaction. I've met a few new persons that I enjoy hanging out with, and they aren't afraid of my prescence because of my associations (which believe it or not disuades people from hanging out with me) They are my associations! A nice man by the name of Antonio, who makes me kiss his cheek, and a dear Tristen, who likes to look at girls, no matter who or what they are. Samael is fun, too, and always makes me laugh, but he's entangled with a new girl every time I see him. We've kind of learned to brush that off and expect it from him now. Maybe he didn't get this many girls back in Sea-at-tel? *shrug* Whatever.

And my Zillahface. He makes me smile, no matter what trouble he's causing. Yes, I'm aware he does this... yes, I'm aware he does that. What's it to you? He knows where to come home, is all that matters. I left him a lovely spraypainted message the other day in the Warehouse. For some reason he didn't like it. Probably because the paint leaked to the floor, but hey, it's a warehouse, it's supposed to have graffiti!

And my Zillahface. He makes me smile, no matter what trouble he's causing. Yes, I'm aware he does this... yes, I'm aware he does that. What's it to you? He knows where to come home, is all that matters. I left him a lovely spraypainted message the other day in the Warehouse. For some reason he didn't like it. Probably because the paint leaked to the floor, but hey, it's a warehouse, it's supposed to have graffiti!
That is none of your business anyway.
Nice artwork. It reminds me of one of my favorite artists.