The Importance of Baths

I don't think people take me seriously when I say baths are important. They superduperreally are. I mean, who wants to smell your stink? And you got to get all the mud, blood, and grit out of your hair.
The bath is my favorite place. The tub I use is placed in the center of a beautifully tiled room. The room is themed in a blue color, which is of course my favorite. Lush carpet surrounds the outer edges of the tub, and a comfortable chair sits idly by, waiting for my Zillahface to sit in. He likes to sit there, especially when I'm taking baths. I do think it is time to change soaps, though. The lavender-scented one is getting a little old. Gypsies aren't supposed to smell like flowers... just clean! And I can't stand that patchouli stink that everyone gabs about. Smells like the gutters of Klein. I do need some bath toys, though. A little rubber hellhound would be cute. When I get mad at it, I can just hold it at the bottom of the tub. And when I'm happy with it, it can hang out in the bubbles with me. Maybe an early birthday present for myself...
Now go take a bath, you all stink! Stinkers!