Flipping the coin...

Plan A: Speak with Samael.

Samael has transfered back and forth between this time and Sea-at-tel, so it's only natural I ask him how it's done. When I saw him, he didn't really seem that surprised to see me, even though it had been months. I don't believe he knew what had happened between me and his father, but I wasn't comfortable talking about that, so I skirted the subject and asked him how to get to Sea-at-tel. He wanted to know why I wanted to go back, and it was easy to lie and tell him that I had some shopping to do, that my provider of really good drugs needed to hear from me, else I'd lose my discount. That seemed to hold him over, so he scrawled this mess of words on a piece of paper and handed it over. He's probably playing some sort of game, but if I want to use his method, I have to decipher this chickenscratch and do it quickly. I then said my goodbyes, which shocked him by the look on his face; I don't think he was expecting a final goodbye right then and there. At that point, he offered to come with me, but I adamantly refused. He had his time in Sea-at-tel, and I couldn't associate with someone that looked so much like... that would be too much.

Plan B: Speak with Old Man Rowane

Old Man Rowane is full of Kere Magic. Old people have the best kind of magic, because it's been sitting in their bones for so long, that it's almost failproof. I hadn't seen him since before... but he had heard rumor that I needed to speak with him. I pulled myself out of my niche in Paris to find him, and we talked over a table in a dark inn with people lurking and eavesdropping about. He really tried to discourage me, and I give him credit for that, because it seemed genuine that he wanted me to stay; but I can't stay, and I believe he understood after I told him my reasonings. So he, too, scrawled on a piece of paper in the candlelight, a diagram that represented the time travel between here and there. With this Ward, I have a week to prepare. I don't necessarily have anything to pack, because all I own I carry; And I don't necessarily have anyone else to say goodbye to...

Until Plan C fell into my lap:

The lovely Ameera found me drinking coffee, and it was really nice to see her. Once I saw her, I felt compelled to tell her of my trip. So we drank some coffee together (which I thnk is cute when kids drink it), until Samael showed up, making the situation awkward. I shooed him out after he and Ameera had expressed their sibling rivalry, and tried to tell my secret to this little girl that looked so much like him... Everyone likes secrets, right? Even six year olds. So I asked her how she felt about taking a trip out of this place, and with a casual response of 'where?," I whispered, "Sea-at-tel." Her face beamed like the full moon, but quickly turned to thoughts of her father and how he disallowed that place from her.
"I can't say he's aware of the idea. I also think you're grown enough to make your own decisions."
She mulled this over, especially when I told her that it's possible that this trip is indefinite. I'm not sure why I thought it such a good idea to take her, I suppose the thought of her being here, being alone and uncared for, for so long irks me. I know it's not my place to be any sort of mother, and frankly, I don't really know how to talk to kids. But this girl is wiser beyond her years, and knowing now what the future holds, I think she could really make a difference there. But this is her choice, and I advised her to think about it before giving an answer right away.

With that I taught her how to pinky promise, and had her promise not to tell anyone of this idea.

So now I need to speak with Rowane again to see if we can add another ticket for this trip. I hope it's possible, I'd hate to disappoint her, because she looked so ready to say 'Yes!' when I mentioned it.

And not to mention the letter I received from him... It broke my heart, giving me more reason to want to leave this place.

A week...


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