Plans and lack thereof

I've come to the realization that I know nothing of import about weddings nowadays. The extent of my wedding experience is one I attended in my former life, and then out by the dumpsters after a Reception in Sea-at-tel. People sure do eat alot of food when they get married, is this some sort of ritual?
How do you plan such a thing? Technically it's a large party where everyone gets toasted, right? I mean, I think I could organize something like that. With this promise, our families are supposed to join and become an extended family. This is quite funny, because I have no family here. The last person I saw was my sister, Kizzie, and who knows what man she ran off with. I guess that I'm fortunate in that I'm gaining two new members, Samael and Ameera, both that like me alright from what I can tell. In a traditional gypsy engagement, our fathers are supposed to meet, and a dowry set but that tradition is thrown out the warehouse window at this point. Perhaps Zillah would want to go through with the remaining traditions of my people....but that's alot of bread to break. Technically, we don't belong to any particular society, and really bare no ties to any sort of tradition or meaning. So we can do whatever we want... now if only I can figure out how to make that happen.
Perhaps we can have a zombie wedding... dress up as zombies and freak everyone out. I just know I don't need a big poofy and uncomfortable dress. And long, monotonous speeches bore me, so we can cross that style off the list.
And the Honeymoon! I think that'll be the funnest part, as long as wherever we go, there's an amazing bathtub.
Honeymoon... mmh, how about Japan? They have lovely bathhouses there...