To Hell and Back

You can never catch old man Rowane off guard. He seemed to know I was in London and walked in with this all-knowing aire about him. With warm greetings, we instantly turned to the subject that has probably consumed most of our time. The magic that will bring me back home.
He's decided that Hell is the best place to perform the ward that will bring me back to Sea-at-tel. Personally, I don't think this has any underlying meaning, being it Hell and all, but it is kinda spooky. My friends back home will *not* believe I went to Hell and back. I can imagine the laughs now.
So he brought me there, to show me the last place I will see. The ward has been traced, and the magic will be spun tomorrow.
Forget the fact that I know Rowane is going to botch the job because he's been coerced by those that don't wish me to leave...
Remember: make it look convincing. I'll tell you all about my plan once it's done. *smirk*