
In this life, it's really hard to determine who your friends really are. I found that your friends are the ones that stick with you, through thick and thin, who still have the gall to make fun with/at you, but are there for a hug when you need it.

I used to have certain friends that would speak to me on a regular basis. They used to care what was going on in my lil nomadic life. But I started associating with persons that they disliked. Maybe it was because I didn't join their little sewing circle clan because I saw it as exactly that, a sewing circle. Anyhoo, life moves on, I'm blatantly ignored, and not even considered when they start a musical band. Not that I know anything about their band or what kind of music they play, but I know that the Devil himself granted the gift of music to my kind, and not one person in their group can top my talent. Oops? Did I say that aloud? I'm not afraid to say what I feel, they've hurt my feelings blatantly and publicly. It hurts that I'm not even a consideration in their world when they're screaming that they can't get off their feet.

So little Bitches of Croaking, you don't have my support. And I'm not apologizing.


Samael said…
Fuck yeah, Limey! Now there's an attitude I can get used to! *spits on the ground*
kizzie said…
Your talent is way to much for that band to handle for you even to consider joining. That friend issue thing, Don't make friends make enemies. its less of a hassle.
Zillah said…
Just remember, as unpopular as your friends may be in certain circles, at least the unpopular ones have never turned their backs on you. *pet*
I was sad. There was no Gypsy Lime at my wedding. *sadfor*
Malia said…
*shakes her head*
No more feuding. Love!

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